Saturday, October 21, 2023

October-Breast Cancer Awareness and Diagnosis

On October 3, 2016, the weather was beautiful and sunny. It was also the day I had an appointment with Dr. Quill, a breast surgeon, to receive the results of the biopsy that had been done a week earlier.

I was absolutely terrified. When Dr. Quill walked into the room, he didn't hesitate. He looked at me and said, "Well, you have tested positive for breast cancer." In my heart, I already knew what the biopsy results would reveal.

Before the biopsy, I had a diagnostic mammogram followed by an ultrasound. After the mammogram, the kind technician walked me to a waiting area for a doctor to examine the pictures. She started to walk away but then turned back, gave me a hug, and said, "It's gonna be okay." At that moment, I knew. But I was so thankful for that hug.

So, when Dr. Quill said those words to me, they were just confirmation. He sat down on a stool beside me and asked, "Are you ready to fight?" Oh, hell yeah, I was! He said that he and the rest of my team of doctors would use every weapon available to fight this thing. 

I can't really remember much from the few hours after that visit with Dr. Quill, but I do remember walking around my backyard later in the evening and having a chat with God. Begging might be a better way to describe what was happening. 

I remember feeling heartbroken about having to tell my kids. Conor was a high school junior, and his homecoming dance was that weekend. I distinctly remember insisting on waiting until after homecoming to tell him.

The rest of my kids were scattered about the country, so it wasn't like I could sit them all down and tell them this news. 

I somehow managed to break the news to my kids, other family members, and, finally, my friends. It was incredibly tough.

Today is October 21, 2023. Exactly seven years ago today, I had my first chemo treatment. It was the initial punch in that battle. This isn't necessarily something I want to celebrate, but I am celebrating the fact that seven years later, I am still here. I am still fighting, but I am still here and feeling pretty darn good most of the time!

Wednesday, October 4, 2023


As you probably know, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. 

I received my breast cancer diagnosis on October 3, 2016. It's been seven years already?! 

I had planned to write about that day, but I can't seem to find the right words to express how I felt then or in the days following the diagnosis.

It was a very significant and emotional time for me, and I don't want to post something just for the sake of posting. I've been really busy lately, and my mind is all over the place right now, so I'll wait until sometime next week to share more about it. 

In the meantime, if you still need to get a mammogram this year, please go online or call your doctor's office to schedule one.

Scary Words

While talking on the phone with a friend yesterday, the topic somehow shifted to words and phrases. She ended up saying, "There are def...