Monday, January 15, 2024


 Hey, Y'all!

I hope the new year is treating you well so far! 

In my previous post, I shared my New Year's resolutions. There are only 2, but they are pretty powerful and require some solid goals to accomplish them.

My Resolutions-

To- Focus on strengthening my physical and mental health. 

To- Move forward with hope, faith, humor, and optimism. 

I decided to keep things simple and not set unrealistic goals for myself. 



Physical activity is strongly linked to better mental health. Even a moderate amount of exercise can ward off anxiety and depression, help improve sleep, and lead to improved quality of life. 

By exercise, I don't mean a hardcore, grueling workout. While I want to focus more on walking on the treadmill and some upper body exercises to help with my lymphedema, many other forms of movement could be physically and mentally beneficial.

Committing to 15 minutes of some type of exercise every day should be an achievable goal.


Most of us know that cancer can have a significant impact on our physical health, but we tend to overlook the mental and emotional strain that comes with it. 

Mindfulness practices, such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, or yoga, can help manage some of the stress we are dealing with and contribute to a healthier mental outlook.

I've always had trouble focusing when meditating or doing breathing exercises. I've also never been good at yoga, but I've found an easy beginner's video geared toward those with upper body lymphedema that I will try. 

I'm aiming for 3 days a week of yoga, which will help with meditation and breathing.


Just as a tree needs sunlight, good soil, and water to grow, our faith also needs daily nourishment. 

Spiritual growth involves nourishing the soul through meditation and self-reflection. However, prayer and studying God's word are essential for growing my faith as a Christian. 

I plan to start my morning with at least 15 minutes of prayer and bible study. I'm also hoping to find an online bible study group to join. 


While trying to follow the Intermittent Eating plan, I also want to focus more on quality, nutritious meals.

I aim to put together a menu each Sunday of nutritious meals for the week. 


A grateful attitude can make such a difference in how we feel. I read an article on how thankfulness helps people deal with adversity and is linked to greater happiness. 

I've decided to take time each day to write down 3 things I am grateful for.


It's easier said than done, but I will try not to focus so much on the negative thoughts by finding other things to occupy my time. Ideally, things that make me laugh!

I plan to spend more time watching funny TV shows or movies, talking with my BBF on the phone more often (we crack ourselves and each other up!), and just laughing more often!


I remember how terrified I was when I first received my cancer diagnosis in October of 2016. I know there is someone out there who has just received a cancer diagnosis of their own who is experiencing those same feelings.

It's not always possible for me to meet with people in person, but being available to talk on the phone, sharing tips, and even sharing my knowledge via this blog might be helpful in some way.

My goal is to do something at least once a week that is helpful to someone facing their own diagnosis.  


It has been a challenging few years, and there have been many things I missed out on that I would have liked to do because of my lowered immune system, COVID-19, and the pandemic.

I'm sad I've missed so much, but I intend to make up for it! I still have to be very careful and wear a mask when I'm out around others, but I plan to live life to the fullest and enjoy and treasure every moment I have with the people I love!

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