Friday, January 5, 2024


The new year signifies a fresh start, offering new possibilities and hope for the year ahead.

Making resolutions and setting goals is a great way to focus on our personal growth and well-being for the coming year. 

The typical New Year's resolutions often involve changing our bodies, mindsets, and diets. I don't remember ever starting a New Year without putting losing weight at the top of my resolutions list! 

Resolutions for cancer patients and survivors are a little different. They tend to revolve around things that will make survivorship easier, making it very important to see them through. 

Constant fatigue can be an ongoing struggle, whether it's due to being in active treatment, the body reacting to what is happening during the recovery process, or drugs meant to keep cancer from returning. It can be more challenging to stay motivated and stick with resolutions in the face of reduced stamina and endurance. 

And yet, I want to continue with the tradition for the New Year!


But do I make resolutions or set goals? The two go hand in hand, but they really aren't the same thing, are they?

While waiting for my first cup of coffee to kick in, I contemplated the difference between making resolutions and setting goals.

I'm not very alert in the mornings until I've had at least one cup of coffee. Lately, the second cup does not guarantee any degree of alertness or coherency due to my constant lack of sleep. However, here is what my sleep-deprived, under-caffeinated brain came up with on the subject......

resolution is a pledge we make to ourselves. A type of commitment without a detailed plan that is usually open-ended.

A goal has a clearly defined endpoint. We can set short and long-term goals for ourselves and give them deadlines. Goals are the building blocks of our resolutions.


As a cancer patient/survivor, I felt it essential to come up with resolutions that encompass my total well-being, physical, mental, and spiritual. 

I only made 2 resolutions. Both are huge, but the second one is probably the most powerful resolution I could make. 

Resolution #1

To focus on strengthening my physical and mental health. 

Just as physical strength is a component of physical fitness, mental strength is a part of mental fitness, and I really need to work on both.

Resolution #2
To continue to move forward with hope, faith, humor, and optimism. 

This second resolution is more geared toward my mental health and happiness. A commitment to worrying less, laughing more often, and spending more time in prayer. 

Goal Setting

As I started writing this post, I didn't have a concrete plan in mind, except for the topic of resolutions and goals. Now, after discussing my resolutions, I need to take some time to establish specific goals that will assist me in achieving those resolutions in the coming days! I'll be back soon to share those with you!

In the meantime, please share any resolutions or goals you may have for the coming year! If you are currently dealing with a cancer diagnosis of your own, how have your resolutions and goals changed from previous years?

Happy New Year!


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